Every boat owner dreams of it, especially when annual antifouling is the order of the day.
We have it and it really works!!!!!!!!!
I know it sounds pretty implausible as there is a lot of promise and little delivered in this area.
But we can promise because our product has been on the market for 20 years without interruption.
Extraordinary effectiveness
Due to the extremely high copper content, Coppercoat is a very effective antifouling which, thanks to epoxy as the base material, has a service life of 10 years and more.
Also, the self-leveling epoxy helps to get the smoothest finish, which in turn leads to increased performance.
Power boaters report higher speed at lower revs, which in turn means less fuel consumption and wear.
This has now been proven in many tests.
For the ultimate finish, professional racers can also polish the surface, which has helped several competitors using COPPERCOAT at events such as the Vendee Globe, Trade Wind Rally and Chay Blythe's Trans Atlantic Rowing Race.
Exceptional longevity
Due to a very low level of leaching, the robust COPPERCOAT lasts for many years and not just for one year like many traditional coatings.
In fact, COPPERCOAT is the only coating available that is proven to protect the hull for at least 10 consecutive seasons.
However, compared to other antifoulings, Coppercoat is weakest in the first year because a sufficient concentration of copper oxide has to form first.
Low maintenance
COPPERCOAT puts an end to the recoating that is normally required every year, which is known from conventional antifoulings.
However, COPPERCOAT must also be cleaned at least once a year, depending on the area traveled and the growth situation.
Normally, cleaning with a high-pressure cleaner is sufficient.
Coppercoat can also be cleaned in water. A sponge or brush is usually enough to remove the mucus. If there are smallpox or lime worms on the torso, they can be removed with a spatula when wet without damaging the COPPERCOAT. Please only round off the corners of the spatula with a file.
And then COPPERCOAT - depending on the area traveled and the vegetation situation - has to be reground every few years with 400 paper to activate fresh copper powder.
COPPERCOAT is the combination of a specially developed, solvent-free epoxy resin and pure (99%) copper.
Each liter of resin is mixed with 2 kilograms of ultra-fine copper powder.
This is the maximum amount allowed by law.
This makes COPPERCOAT the strongest copper-based antifouling available.
Classified as "non-leaching", this very effective coating is currently much more environmentally friendly than many self-polishing coatings.
However, COPPERCOAT must also be cleaned at least once a year. Compared to other antifoulings, this is possible without damaging the copper coat.
The complete treatment has been approved by the Health and Safety Executive in accordance with UK and EU law.
Since COPPERCOAT has the HSE Certificate Number 7532, our antifouling is fully approved for professional and private use.
In addition, COPPERCOAT is fully compliant with the current (2001) International Maritime Organization (IMO) Resolution MEPC 102 (48)
In August 2012, COPPERCOAT was also certified by Lloyd's Register.
Coppercoat also has the N number required in Germany: N-49029
*Use biocides safely.
Always read the label and product information before use*
Coppercoat, Copper Antifouling, Copper containing antifouling
Bootslänge: 10m
Bootsbreite: 3,5m
Tiefgang: 1,2 m
Berechnung: 10 x (3,5 x 1,2)
= 42 qm : 4
= 10,5 L

consumption or yield
To determine the amount of COPPERCOAT needed, calculate the hull area by multiplying the waterline length and adding the beam and draft.
Then use a factor depending on the boat:
No factor is applied to power boats or displacement or long keel yachts.
Multiply by a factor of 0.75 for boats with a fin or dock or for short keel boats.
For centreboard boats, multiply by a factor of 0.6.
If the calculation is in feet, multiply by 0.093 to convert to square feet.
Based on the fact that COPPERCOAT has an effective coverage of 4 sqm / liter when applied to all layers, divide the result by 4 to get the amount needed....
One liter of Coppercoat is enough for 4 sqm for the complete 4 coats.

When immersed in water, seawater will attack the exposed pure copper powder, causing copper oxide to form.
This very effective antifouling agent prevents growth until the surface further degrades and becomes copper hydrochloride.
This last copper form is quite unstable and will be washed away by the movement of the yacht, removing any fouling in the process.
This automatically exposes a new copper-rich layer, starting the process all over again.
With an average applied thickness of 250 microns of COPPERCOAT and a typical corrosion rate of less than 10 microns per year, it is easy to imagine how this coating can provide such effective and long lasting protection.
In addition, the waterproofing property of epoxy ensures that a COPPERCOAT treatment is helpful in preventing osmosis on GRP boats and provides additional protection against rust on steel boats.
With the resin as the carrier material, the copper is isolated, the entire coating is inactive and non-conductive.
Consequently, COPPERCOAT does not cause electrolysis and does not cause problems or damage to the cathodes of steel or aluminum boats.
Sacrificial anodes should be attached as usual.
COPPERCOAT can be applied to almost all boats, regardless of their size and use, and is therefore sold to both commercial and private users.
But before Coppercoat can be applied, the old antifouling must be completely removed
(because how can we promise you 10 years when your antifouling will flake off in a year and take our Coppercoat with it?)
The easiest way to do this is to blast (with sand or dry ice).
While GRP boats do not need a primer (but recommended), boats made of wood, steel, aluminum and ferrocement can also be treated with COPPERCOAT after applying the appropriate primer.
Even if it was developed to be extremely user-friendly, the solvent-free and non-toxic COPPERCOAT should be mixed thoroughly.
One unit at a time is simply applied to the prepared surface, either with a roller or sprayed.
A full coat usually consists of 4 thin coats.
Can be painted wet on wet in one day.
Of course, you will also receive detailed instructions for use.